Last updated on: 2024-09-02

Company Overview

Zespół Elektrowni Pątnów - Adamów - Konin SA

  • Since October 30, 2012 listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange,
  • the second, volume wise, Polish producer of electricity generated from brown coal,
  • is the fifth electricity producer in Poland.

Several dates from our history:


1958 - 1974

powerplants   are built in Konin, Pątnów and Adamów.

April 1970

The power   plants are merged into a single enterprise.

December 1994

The state   enterprise is transformed into a single-shareholder joint stock company,   ZE PAK SA, owned by the State Treasury.

March 1999

Elktrim SA   becomes a strategic investor in ZE PAK SA.


Increase   in the share capital of the company; the strategic investor’s stake rises to   about 39%, the organizational structure changes as five subsidiaries are spun   off.

July 2001

A   9001:2000 certificate for the production of electricity and heat is awarded.   We also have an Occupational Health and Safety Management System certified to   PN-N-18001 and OHSAS 18001 and an Integrated Environmental Safety and Quality   Management System compliant with the standards of the ISO 14000 series.


Introduction   of the IT system, which supports company management, covers key   functional areas of the enterprise and supports the company’s business   processes.


The ZE PAK   SA power plants receive a license to co-fire biomass and thus produce   “green energy”.

December 2005

The Adamów   Power Plant obtains an IPPC Permit to produce electricity and heat.

April 2006

An IPPC   Permit is granted to the Pątnów and Konin Power Plants.

June 2012

Konin Power Plant - commissioning of 55   MW power unit

September 2013

Patnow   Power Plant - commencement of the modernization of power units   1 - 4

January 2018

Elektrownia Adamów was closed at the beginning of January 2018



Zespół Elektrowni Pątnów-Adam-Konin SA operates as a public limited company under the provisions of the Code of Commercial Companies and other regulations of the generally applicable Polish law. The Company was established as result of transformation of Zespół Elektrowni Pątnów-Adamów-Konin state-owned company with its registered office in Konin into a company wholly owned by the State Treasury under the business name of Zespół Elektrowni Pątnów-Adamów-Konin Spółka Akcyjna. ZE PAK SA is the largest private energy group in Poland consisting of vertically integrated entities acting in the field of lignite extraction, power generation from conventional and renewable sources, heat production and electricity trading. 


The company can operate in the territory of the Republic of Poland and abroad. The generation assets of the ZE PAK Capital Group include three lignite-fired power plants located in central Poland, in the Wielkopolska Province.


They include: Pątnów II Power Plant [Elektrownia Pątnów II], which is equipped with a power unit operating at supercritical parameters, the Konin Power Plant and the power plant additionally equipped with biomass co-combustion systems – Pątnów Power Plant. In July 2012, a new power unit with a capacity of 55 MW with a dedicated biomass-fired boiler was put into commercial operation in the Konin Power Plant.


The Adamów Power Plant, being part of Zespół Elektrowni Pątnów-Adamów-Konin SA, was closed at the beginning of January 2018. The shutdown of the power plant’s power units was dictated by the decision of the European Commission acting on the basis of derogation described in the directive of 24 November 2010 stating the need for completion of work of the Adamów Power Plant’s generation assets at the beginning of January 2018.


In addition, the Group also includes the companies, which are engaged, among others, in: execution of construction and installation work, maintenance work, as well as service, manufacturing and commercial activities aimed at fulfilling the needs and providing comprehensive services to the industry.



Konin Power Plant

Pątnów Power Plant

    Company’s Head Office
    ul. Kazimierska 45 | 62-510 Konin
  • tel. +48 63 247 30 00 fax. +48 63 247 30 30
  • ZE PAK SA Place of registration: Sąd Rejonowy Poznań Nowe Miasto i Wilda IX Wydział Gospodarczy.
    KRS 0000021374 | REGON 310186795 | NIP 665-000-16-45
    Share capital: 101 647 094 PLN, fully paid-up.